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Kadoka is a small town located in Jackson County in southwestern South Dakota, located near Badlands National Park. The park consists of 244,000 acres of eroded buttes, pinnacles and spires blended with the largest protected mixed of grass prairie in the United States. The Badlands Wilderness, inside the National Park, protects over 64,000 acres of the park as a designated wilderness area. This protected wilderness is the site of the reintroduction of the black-footed ferret, which is the most endangered land mammal in North America. Badlands National Park offers scenic hiking trails, camping and ranger-led programs. Other things to see and do near Kadoka include driving the Highway 240 Scenic Loop, taking a side trip down Sage Creek Rim Road and visiting the teepee village located between the Ben Reifel Visitor Center and Cedar Pass Lodge inside the Badlands National Park. One of the most spectacular sites is viewing a sunrise or sunset from one of the overlooks or campground located in the park. Kadoka also serves as the county seat for Jackson County and has an estimated population of 700 residents.

Surrounding areas: Wall, South Dakota (38.1 mi)

Kadoka Vacation Rentals

Kadoka Hotels and Resorts

Kadoka Weather & Climate

Southwestern South Dakota , near the Badlands National Park, has an unpredictable four season climate. Winters are generally very cold with 12 to 24 inches of snowfall per year. Summers are hot and dry with occasional violent thunderstorms. Extremely high winds are common year-round. Dramatic weather changes are common in any season, so visitors should be prepared for sudden changes. Temperatures in this region can range from 116 F in summer to -40 F in winter. June is the wettest month of the year and December and January are the driest. Use caution while visiting this area. Sudden storms may include icy conditions, hail, thunderstorms and occasionally tornadoes.

     Month       High Temp   Low Temp   Rainfall   Ocean Temp 
January 31°F 6°F 0.34 in. -
February 38°F 11°F 0.46 in. -
March 47°F 20°F 1.15 in. -
April 60°F 32°F 1.79 in. -
May 71°F 44°F 3.14 in. -
June 81°F 54°F 2.85 in. -
July 89°F 59°F 2.26 in. -
August 89°F 57°F 1.68 in. -
September 77°F 46°F 1.16 in. -
October 63°F 33°F 1.32 in. -
November 45°F 19°F 0.62 in. -
December 34°F 9°F 0.33 in. -

Kadoka Map & Transportation

Main viewing image.
Click each thumbnail image to enlarge.
The closest airports in the area are the Pierre Regional airport (PIR) located about 71 miles northeast of Kadoka in Pierre, South Dakota and the Pine Ridge airport (IEN) located approximately 75 miles southwest of Kadoka in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

Kadoka Attractions

Golf Courses
Lake Waggoner Golf CoursePhilipSD15.7 mi.
Ski Areas
Terry PeakLeadSD117.6 mi.
Wounded Knee MuseumWallSD38.1 mi.(History)

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